Thursday, September 22, 2011

Entitlement of the S in Me

Funny how when I was typing that I didn't realize it would spell Sin!  hahaha

What I mean by it is that as a Single mom, I think I should get certain things entitled to me.  Like little get out of jail free cards--or maybe really big get out of jail free cards!  First, let's discuss all things timely.

I am a big believer in being on time.  I hate to wait I hate to be late.  I am always telling the offspring hurry hurry, we're late we're late for a very important date.  But really instead of being a crazy white rabbit hopping around after three kids that are suddenly turtles, I think that when I arrive at said destination 10-15 minutes later than planned--I should get to hand over my little 'freebie late' card with a grin and a click of my heels...

Emmy went to her first sleepover for a little girl's pirate birthday party.  The invitation stated to please pick-up your child by 10a the next day. I arrived at 956a.  Not so bad right? Of course, she was the last one there! And I had to apologize to the lovely parents that were probably quite fried from having 5 four to six year olds in their house for many hours...

And then there is the arriving someplace where Lilly the bean doesn't have her shoes on or her hair brushed...the card would be the perfect thing, no words necc...

within 5 minutes of arriving at this event she was trying to be the streaker she was born to be, luckily I convinced her to keep the shorts on...I need a card for clothing optional as well I suppose...

Or maybe, I could stop worrying about being on time and just arrive like the celebrity I was meant to be ;) Speaking of late, I'm late.right.nooooowwww!

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